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2017 Monthly Goals

I talked about setting monthly goals, instead of new year resolution, as a year is too long, and I end up not completing much. As such, from 2017 onwards, I will be setting monthly goals, to work towards my long term goals.


Score: 3/7 (43%)

1. Read annual reports of:

  • FCT
  • Starhill
  • CMT
  • Suntec
  • MCT
Status: Not done. - Fail (0)

2. Come up with evaluation template for retail reits
Status: Template done. (1)

3. Analyze the following REITS:

  • FCT
  • Starhill
  • CMT
  • Suntec
  • MCT
Status: Not done. - Fail (0)

4. Do up Project #1 website
Status: Instead of doing just 1 website, created many. Feb should be a month where I choose the best among them, modify, improve and publish the best one.  -- Pass (1)

5. Go for 16 lessons at gym
Status: Went for 2. -- Fail (0)

6. Spend 60 hours after work doing productive stuff
Status: Need a better way to track the number of hours. -- Fair (0.5)

7. Get 2 tuition assignments.
Status: 1 assignment clinched, and managed to negotiate to make it a home- based one. (0.5)


1. Read annual reports of:

  • FCT
  • Starhill
  • CMT
  • Suntec
  • MCT

2. Analyze the following REITS:

  • FCT
  • Starhill
  • CMT
  • Suntec
  • MCT
3. Learn Andriod Mobile Programming

4. Improve website of project #1


  1. Ms CEO, this page is kinda funny (all red red) after I read "About" on your excellent grades throughout your academia life. I hope Feb and Mar is more productive for you!


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