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Showing posts from December, 2019

Prenatal and Delivery Cost on a Budget in Singapore

We all know that maternity cost in Singapore is expensive. Is there a more economical option for prenatal to delivery then in Singapore? If you are a Singaporean or permanent resident of Singapore, have you heard of the subsidized route? In this case, you go to a polyclinic to get a referral to a public hospital of your choice (e.g. KKH, NUH, SGH) to begin the prenatal checkups leading up to the delivery. You can read the section under subsidized rates on KKH website here to find out more about how to be a subsidized patient.  Take note, even if you go to the public hospital, there are both private and subsidized option. The private option does not require you to get a referral from the polyclinic, and you get to choose a doctor of your liking, who will be with you from antenatal to delivery and post delivery. For the public option, you get any doctor that is assigned to you, and this could vary from one visit to another. During your gynae visits, not all visits will involve