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Showing posts from July, 2019

Are you Ready?

Scenario 1: Let's go back in time to school days (I assume most readers are working adults).  Do you have instances where your teacher tells you you can't do certain things well, and you should just focus on a few. (E.g. instead of taking 4 A level H2 subjects, you should take just 3). They feel you do not have an aptitude to do 4 in the final A levels. The reason is you didn't ready yourself for one of the exams and didn't do well overall.  Are you not ready to take 4 A level H2 subjects during A level? Scenario 2: Now, you are in your company.  So you tried for a position in your company, or is looking to a promotion in a company, and you didn't get it? What reason does your company give? I'm not sure about other company, but mine gives the reason that ' you are not ready'. If you ask what can you do to get that position next time, they would tell you, you could do A- Z list, and the manager will happily help you put it in your bu